Frothy and full of charm, Cappuccino Isopods are essentially the latte art of the terrarium world.
These unique milky critters are a bit larger, hardier, and bolder than some of their popular Cubaris cousins, so they’re a great choice for anyone looking for an engaging isopod pet.
With their unique mottled colorations and their friendly personality, they’re a tasty combo for sure.
Let’s brew up the perfect care guide for these pet-worthy pods!

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How to Care for Cappuccino Isopods
In this section, we’ll cover Cappuccino Isopod care in both terrariums and culture containers.
Granted, they’re not the best bioactive cleaners. They’ll certainly do some waste management, but there are lots of better species for that purpose.
That said, they are well-suited to tropical terrarium life nonetheless.
It’s better to think of them as stunning isopod pets that can be kept in terrariums and/or classic culture bins. Stunning designer isopods deserve a stunning natural habitat to complement them, don’t you think?
๐ Shop our Cappuccino Isopods on the store!
Either way, let’s get into the care!
I’d say Cappuccino Isopods are most like Shiro Utsuri Isopods (which are our favorites, by the way).
They’re about the same size and have a similar chill temperament.
We’ve found they’re often happy to interact with you and don’t scarper at the first sight of you opening the container. Which is certainly nice for my self-esteem…
Compared to the classic Rubber Ducky Isopods which spend quite a lot of time burrowed, Cappuccino Isopods are much happier to relax on a leaf out in the open.

Temperature & Humidity
Just like a perfect cappuccino, Cappuccino Isopods thrive in a warm, steamy environment.
These tropical Cubaris definitely species prefer high humidity levels and warmer temperatures.
- Ideally, around the 75%+ humidity mark.
- 70-80ยบ Fahrenheit (21-27ยบC).
This should be pretty easy to achieve in tropical terrariums. It’s basically a comfortable room temperature plus the humidity-boosting help of a closed terrarium setup.
In a culture bin environment – check out the next section for help on maintaining these conditions.
We tend to recommend a shoebox sized plastic container as a starting size for most isopod cultures.
Cappuccino Isopods are a slightly larger Cubaris species, but they don’t breed particularly quickly. So, a 6-count starting culture is not going to outgrow a container of this size any time soon.
In terrarium volume, that’s about 3 gallons at a minimum. But it always helps to have more!
As a tropical species, you’ll need an organic moisture-retaining substrate. Primarily to supply moisture to them directly and to help boost humidity too.
Most tropical terrarium mixes are an excellent starting point (e.g., ABG Mix or our signature mix).
In culture bins, you don’t need to worry about plants. So, you can go way heavier on the organic materials (like earthworm castings) and phase out inorganic base materials like coco coir.
They may not burrow all the time like Rubber Ducky Isopods, but I’d still lean towards giving them a deeper substrate just in case. I think 5+ inches of substrate depth should do it.
Pop some sphagnum moss on top to create a moisture gradient and your foundation is set!

We always recommend adding some natural bioactive elements in there too. Cork bark pieces and magnolia pods are our go-to choices. Both make excellent hiding spots, and we’ve yet to find an isopod that doesn’t love them.

Despite their size, these isopods don’t have the most voracious appetite.
Compared to the somewhat similarly-sized Dairy Cow Isopods, at least. That said, they do appreciate many of the same things.
They do enjoy a varied diet of the classics (leaf litter and softwood) and protein-based supplements.
๐ Shop our oak leaf litter (and/or Magnolia).

As with other Cubaris species, a calcium source is highly appreciated, too.
Cubaris isopods were originally sourced in a limestone cave (in Thailand, no less), and many isopod keepers like to try to recreate those conditions by supplying calcium in a more native format.
You can add limestone in a variety of ways, from crushed lime to adding chunks of “Cubaris Cave Stone.”
Pro tip: Our Isopod Superfood Blend provides a balanced diet in one convenient package.
Breeding Cappuccino Isopods
Honestly, these cream-colored living lattes are not the easiest or quickest isopod to breed.
Keep them warm and happy, and eventually, they’ll settle in and start to produce reliable broods.
We do happen to only sell adults though, so at least if you buy a culture from us, it’ll be ready to start reproducing from the moment you get them.
Wrapping Up
So, after all that, fancy a brew?
Who knows, you might find that, like their namesake beverage, Cappuccino Isopods become a delightful and indispensable part of your daily routine.
Or, if you’re already there, do you have any care tips you’d like to share?
We’d love to hear them in the comments.
Need more isopod inspiration? Check out the other “Ducky Isopods” and our many other Cubaris isopods for sale!